
People who buy Kaya Bird deserve to know EXACTLY what goes into their bird from how they are raised, to what they eat, to how they are processed.

The supplemental feed Kaya Birds eat is from Hunt & Behrens in Petaluma, Ca. It is USDA Organic and as you can see, full of vitamins! The birds eat this feed both in a dry form and a fermented form. They get a serving of dry feed once in the morning and a few servings of fermented feed both in the morning and evening. They go bonkers over the fermented feed! This is wonderful as it is great for their little guts in the same way it is good for ours.

After the daily coop move, the birds love going after all the bugs they can find. They also like their salad in the form of the fresh grass they have access to constantly. We NEVER spray anything on our pasture. Its nothing but true nature, organic feed and happy chickens!